Basically, the penis has 3 main parts which 2 parts above with scientific name CORPORA CAVERNOSA and 1 part under with the scientific name CORPUS SPONGISUM.
When the penis is erected, blood will be gone to 3 main part of penis.Part “Corpus Spongisum” just use for pissing and ejaculation. 2 parts “Corpora Cavernosa” are the main part to contain nearly 90% blood of the penis when erecting. Size of penis is big or small depend on amount of blood contain in 2 part ” Corpora Cavernosa “.
Make it more clearly, i meant when blood is filled fully in 2 parts ” Corpora Cavernosa “, the penis can’t be enlarged anymore.
There is only one way to increase size of penis is increase 2 part ” Corpora Cavernosa “. This can be only done by exercise which was researched for few years ago, just specially for the stimulation and enlarge the size of penis
How can you do exercise to enlarge size of penis ?
Amost people in the world dont know excersice can increased size of penis. There are over 80 million man in USA got the trouble with physiological problem or say another ways is thier penis was never developed with full potential.
Your penis just likes any other kinds of your body. If it can do excersice regularly, it will be bigger and stronger.
I would like to introduce you the ebook which is fully information and detail step by step to increase 2 parts ” Corpora Cavernosa “. If you do excersice with your penis more regularly, your 2 parts will be more increasing and more containing blood. Finally, you have a bigger, stronger,longer and ” nicer ” penis
According to the survey results : 98% man do excersices, they have bigger and longer penis than before training.
Hope it will be useful for you !
2 Comment:
Penises are important for many reasons – as the man’s organ for procreation, as a symbol of his manhood, and as a barometer of his overall health, among others.
Perhaps the last one comes as a surprise but many of the things that every man should know about his penis will come as surprise, too. independent prosolution review
There is so much misinformation and so many bogus products surrounding penis enlargement that when they discover the solution, no one will believe. So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger. As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger. The question is not whether permanent enlargement is possible but instead, how do you safely stress penile tissue to promote cell growth? The answers can be found at
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