The dark circles can be cured with handy homemade treatments. These treatments include vegetables like potato, cucumber, almond oil, simply the water, etc. Keeping the sliced potato for few minutes over the eyes at least thrice a week will help in removing the circles. The sliced cucumber over the eyes is also a remedy. Applying cold water or rose water for 5-10 minutes over the eyes will remove circles. It is recommended to drink as much as water you can.
Apply equal mixture of tomato and lime juice on the face, leave for half an hour and wash it. If you do this regularly in early mornings, you can see the change in the face. The best remedy to say how to remove dark circles is to press the mount below the index finger of the palm.
Puffy eyes are also a major problem to beauty. The puffy eyes causes are sleeplessness, long crying, improper fluid balance, intake of too much alcohol, heredity problem, etc. It is needed to care this problem with proper remedies.
The best way to cure Puffy eyes is by drinking enough water and having enough sleep every night. I also recommend using ice cubes to cool your eyes. If you feel like using Puffy eyes cream, apply it gently over the puffiness with your middle finger, it will help to drain away the excess fluid from the eyes, also I recommend keeping it in the refrigerator, the coldness of the cream will help in curing the puffiness quickly. If you want a natural cure then I recommend using potato strips, cucumber slice and strawberry to hold it over the eyes, it will help in reducing the puffiness.
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